By the sea, with the magnificent Star Virgo cruise ship parked outside, the water-themed venue welcomed its guests with a long catwalk, leading to a smoke-curtain backdrop on which a simple projected "6" set the mood for the night.

As relaxed and cozy the atmosphere was, the anticipation of the unveiling could still be felt and heard on the lips of both the guests and the hosts, as impatient car lovers try to glean exclusive information about the car even before the unveiling. As always, the BMW hosts had a fun time teasing the guests, giving clues about the 6 Series Convertible, yet not revealing enough.
When the time was right, the emcee gathered everyone's attention and let Mr. Neil Fiorentinos, Managing Director of BMW Asia and Mr. Say Kwee Neng, Managing Director of Performance Motors Limited introduce the newest addition to the BMW family.

In tune with the music, BMW's signature angel eyes appeared from behind the smoke-screen before the two magnificent Champagne and Tansanite blue convertibles slowly rolled in front of the guests' gazes.
To say that the new 6 Series Convertible is a beautiful car is an understatement; as suggested by the night's theme, this car's lines are inspired by flowing water and many water-related cues interlace together on the lines of the convertible to give birth to this outstanding design. From the long, shark-like nose of the car to the yacht-style design of the rear and of the roof line on the boot, everything works together to draw stares and create dreams.
The two masterpieces featured on that night were an "inverted" duo: the first being Champagne color with black rims and brown leather interior while the second was dressed in BMW's new Tansanite blue metallic paint with aluminum rims and with white leather upholstery. The other notable difference between those two models was featured under the hood, with the slightly lowered Champagne 650 Ci showing off the BMW's TwinPower Turbo V8 and the Tansanite blue 640 Ci featuring the TwinPower Turbo in-line 6 BMW power plant.
With the 6 Series Convertible, BMW once again amazed the audience and won their hearts, and if it handles on the move as good as it looks still (and knowing BMW, it will for sure), this car is going to take over the convertible market in a heartbeat.
The 6 Series Convertible is now available for pre-order and is scheduled to swim the street in a few months. Stay tuned for a test drive!
A picture being worth a thousand words, enjoy the gallery!
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