I guess I'll start this blog by explaining why I chose Gordini as a pen name.

Amédée Gordini was an Italian born race driver and sports car manufacturer who started off as a mechanic for Mazerati in his teen years, before moving to France in the mid 20's. He then joined Simca, an old French car manufacturer (that went down many years ago), where he tuned cars to go to Le Mans. It's in those years that he became France's legendary engine tuner, and was nicknamed "Le Sorcier" (French for the sorcerer) because he could get power out of regular engines and turned them into race spec power plants, something nobody thought could be possible.

His partnership with Simca was put to an end in the mid 50's, and Renault engaged him to help with their performance cars. Gordini then developed and tuned some of the most memorable French racing cars, running under his signature paint job: blue with two white stripes over the driver's side, starting from the hood and finishing on the boot.
Being French (with some Italian blood), I have a lot of admiration for Amédée Gordini (too bad I'll never get to meet him), and thus choose to write under the pen name of Gordini in memory of this amazing man, legendary engine tuner racer and racer.
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